I spent some more time with the football guys to get to know them a little better.

"Ogarul" (The Greyhound) makes a run during practice.

Practicing a kick.

The guys concentrate to hold their position while Mihai, third from the right and one of the team leaders, counts out loud during an exercise meant to strengthen their legs. Though it looks like they're sitting, there is nothing under their butts in this painful exercise.
bre o sa incerc sa ma conformez si o sa comentez in engleza. postezi in engleza, lumea comenteaza-n engleza asa ca o sa ma straduiec sa cometez in engleza:
first of all, congratulations dude. it's great that you were able to find in romania a magazine that allows you to use what you've learned here.
what camera do you use, and what's the iso that you used for the second picture? it's a little bit too grainy.
love the blurred guy and everything else in the kicking practice picture
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