A huge doll sits on a truck on 4th Avenue in Seattle during the Pride Parade, Sunday, June 24, 2007.

A drag queen marches in the parade.

Mister Gay Latino dances in the back of a truck.

People watch the parade go by.

A woman watches as two participants take a break from marching in the parade.
Great job Andrei, you have some very good images, especially the first four. I tried myself photographing the Pride Parade in San Francisco, and, honestly, (I don't know if it's because there were too many people, or just a bad day for me, but ), it's been quite a struggle. Did you make any plans before shooting, or was it mostly spontaneous?
meet anyone nice? I like the aesthetics, but the first three seem to each be missing one thing to make them read. In the first one, I don't really have a sense of the size of the legs. The caption says they are huge, but the buildings aren't enough to give me a sense of how huge they are. Similarly the drag queen in the second image needs something that identifies (or subtly hints) at drag queen (or whatever else you may want to say with the image). And the third one has nothing to identify the guy as Latino (am I stereotyping, maybe?). These may be insignificant details, but since you captioned them that way, I interpreted those characteristics as being distinguishing to you. Of course you don't have to shoot literally, I just didn't get a distinct message or feeling from them. If the "hugeness" was what you wanted to convey (in the 1st one), it needed one more element for comparison. And I like the composition and light for the guy framed in the hat. Take it or burn it, I don't care.
Thanks for the comments, Steve!
That was exactly why I liked the first three: they're not easy to read. So I guess it worked :)) The literal pictures went on the AP wire.
In the first one, I wasn't trying to show how big the legs were. I was just trying to show the confusing and surreal feeling that I had when I saw that thing.
I know that guy is Mr. Gay Latino, because he had a huge thing wrapped around his suit that said that. Which was an ugly cloth that I tried to hide by underexposing a lot.
For me the first three pictures seemed moody. But, again, maybe it's just me.
It's always good to hear what other people have to say.
I liked the first and third one. Don't worry Andrei, I don't read captions... Nice job!
Keep doing that crazy stuff man, I'm liking your style lately. Just because you're with the AP doesn't mean you can't take some time out to shoot for you. Keep it up man, it'll pay off.
nice legs.
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