Ball4Real is a 30-city tournament, where a team consisting of some of the best streetballers in the country challange local streetball teams, on a regular basketball court inside an arena. At the end of the tour, they'll select two players from all the teams they play to join their tour and sign a $100 000 contract each.
They kicked off their tour here in Seattle and I got to shoot both the tryouts and the game. It was amazing to witness. The stuff they did during the game (not set up or anything) was mind blowing. Here's a selection.

Dude, nice job! Good seeing overall man. I really like these frames Andrei. The first, third and fourth are great.
Andrei, Best sports assignment ever? Probably an exaggeration, but I am sure it was more fun than a regular game. I like the color and shapes in the first frame, but I wish the guy on the left was in profile or something so it wasn't just a big back. It is hard to tell them apart from a standard game (visually), so I am not sure how you would do that (since I wasn't there) Keep it up.
Thanks for the comments! Welcome to the world of blogs. I see that your own blog needs updating. Get your stuff out there.
love that, gangsta!
really great light in all of them. Way to see it and way to balance it!
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