I've photographed the 19th Annual Fremont Solstice Parade here in Seattle. The parade is most famous for its tons of naked bikers. Which was a bit of a challenge, since you can't show any explicit nudity on AP. I was there from 10 till 12:30, right at the peak of the "Kodak" light.

Candice smiles at the cheering crowd of photographers and spectators.

Julianna Berry joggles in a tent during the 19th Annual Fremont Solstice Parade.

Sydni Warren, a.k.a. Nut, the Sky Goddess.

Garry Golightly fills the street with bubbles.
imi place mai mult cea cu florile decat "clowneasa"...
bummer you couldn't shoot nudity. Not that I want to see naked people, more that newspapers in the US are SOOOOOOO conservative. Man, I've gotten used to walking around Denmark and cities seeing a naked model or random nakedness around the city. I don't think the people in Denmark are worse off or going to hell. I think the US media lives in a land of dark and mystical ideas. Ha, anyways, nice shooting.
my fav: the bubbles dude.
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