Monday, March 28, 2011


Pe 11 aprilie 2011 incepe un curs de fotoreportaj pe care o sa-l organizez impreuna cu prietenii de la Decat O Revista.

Pe scurt:
- dureaza trei luni
- costa 1000 RON (exista o bursa)
- participantii o sa aleaga o tema de grup pe care o s-o documenteze impreuna
- desi apreciem talentul, o sa punem accentul pe munca la acest curs

Detalii aici:

Monday, March 14, 2011

Printre Bogdani

"Printre" means "amongst". Bogdani is plural for Bogdan, a Romanian name. My girl's name is Bogdana. Most of my closest friends happen to bear this name. They are the only reason why I have not yet left this country. As long as I stay here, I intend to document my life and theirs by photographing the moments we share, so that when I do leave I can have something to look back to.

Friday, March 11, 2011

People of Merit for Soros Foundation

These are some of my favourite images from a series of portraits that I took a few months ago for Soros Foundation. DoR magazine was assigned to create a brochure to celebrate 20 years since the beginning of the programs that allowed thousands of Romanian students to benefit from scholarships that the foundation has awarded in Romania. I was one of them, a long time ago.

1. Andreea Craciun
2. Stefan Cibian
3. Corina Pintea
4. Simona Manea
5. Corina Murafa
6. Simona Baciu