Gata! Dupa patru zile in care am dormit douazeci de ore, am terminat de fotografiat. Am predat ultimul card. Urmeaza sa editez varianta mea, apoi sa lucrez pe ea cu cei doi profi. Maine este expozitia, aici in Moberly. Duminica o sa fie deja pe site-ul workshop-ului -
Sunt frant. N-am baut o bere de patru zile. La noapte ma razbun.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
workshop goes on
Day 2. Marti. Asta e povestea pe care o s-o fac. Mi-au cerut sa o prezint in forma de mai jos. Cica ajuta sa intelegi mai bine ce e important. Si cica e bine sa o prezinti asa unui editor, ca sa ti-o aprobe, cand mai sunt enshpe fotografi care se lupta cu tine pe acelasi buget de deplasare. So:
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word "endurance" as the ability to withstand hardship or adversity and sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity, such of that of a marathon runner. If we agreed that stage IV colon cancer was significant hardship and that the death of a husband filled in for adversity, we'd have to say that attorney Cynthia Suter of Moberly, Mo has had her share of endurance tests. And if that was not enough, she has an ill father to take care of.
George Suter, aged 86, has undergone prostate cancer surgery a few years ago and has moved in with her ever since. He is half deaf but too stubborn to get a hearing device. He also finds it useless to give up smoking at this age. Despite his frail health, he smokes like a chimney.
The old man has taken control Cynthia’s living room, where he spends most of his time watching TV, with the volume turned all the way up. The remote control is a battle ground. Whoever grabs it has his way.
Suter is running up in the Associate Circuit Court Judge electoral race. This has taken up most of her time off. When she is not working, she is campaigning. There’s almost no time and patience left for George.
She breaks out every now and then: "I really love him, he's a great man, but sometimes I feel I'm going crazy. I just want my house to be mine again. But we do what we have to do in life."
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word "endurance" as the ability to withstand hardship or adversity and sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity, such of that of a marathon runner. If we agreed that stage IV colon cancer was significant hardship and that the death of a husband filled in for adversity, we'd have to say that attorney Cynthia Suter of Moberly, Mo has had her share of endurance tests. And if that was not enough, she has an ill father to take care of.
George Suter, aged 86, has undergone prostate cancer surgery a few years ago and has moved in with her ever since. He is half deaf but too stubborn to get a hearing device. He also finds it useless to give up smoking at this age. Despite his frail health, he smokes like a chimney.
The old man has taken control Cynthia’s living room, where he spends most of his time watching TV, with the volume turned all the way up. The remote control is a battle ground. Whoever grabs it has his way.
Suter is running up in the Associate Circuit Court Judge electoral race. This has taken up most of her time off. When she is not working, she is campaigning. There’s almost no time and patience left for George.
She breaks out every now and then: "I really love him, he's a great man, but sometimes I feel I'm going crazy. I just want my house to be mine again. But we do what we have to do in life."
Day 2. Marti. Asta e povestea pe care o s-o fac. Mi-au cerut sa o prezint in forma de mai jos. Cica ajuta sa intelegi mai bine ce e important. Si cica e bine sa o prezinti asa unui editor, ca sa ti-o aprobe, cand mai sunt enshpe fotografi care se lupta cu tine pe acelasi buget de deplasare. So:
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word "endurance" as the ability to withstand hardship or adversity and sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity, such of that of a marathon runner. If we agreed that stage IV colon cancer was significant hardship and that the death of a husband filled in for adversity, we'd have to say that attorney Cynthia Suter of Moberly, Mo has had her share of endurance tests. And if that was not enough, she has an ill father to take care of.
George Suter, aged 86, has undergone prostate cancer surgery a few years ago and has moved in with her ever since. He is half deaf but too stubborn to get a hearing device. He also finds it useless to give up smoking at this age. Despite his frail health, he smokes like a chimney.
The old man has taken control Cynthia’s living room, where he spends most of his time watching TV, with the volume turned all the way up. The remote control is a battle ground. Whoever grabs it has his way.
Suter is running up in the Associate Circuit Court Judge electoral race. This has taken up most of her time off. When she is not working, she is campaigning. There’s almost no time and patience left for George.
She breaks out every now and then: "I really love him, he's a great man, but sometimes I feel I'm going crazy. I just want my house to be mine again. But we do what we have to do in life."
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word "endurance" as the ability to withstand hardship or adversity and sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity, such of that of a marathon runner. If we agreed that stage IV colon cancer was significant hardship and that the death of a husband filled in for adversity, we'd have to say that attorney Cynthia Suter of Moberly, Mo has had her share of endurance tests. And if that was not enough, she has an ill father to take care of.
George Suter, aged 86, has undergone prostate cancer surgery a few years ago and has moved in with her ever since. He is half deaf but too stubborn to get a hearing device. He also finds it useless to give up smoking at this age. Despite his frail health, he smokes like a chimney.
The old man has taken control Cynthia’s living room, where he spends most of his time watching TV, with the volume turned all the way up. The remote control is a battle ground. Whoever grabs it has his way.
Suter is running up in the Associate Circuit Court Judge electoral race. This has taken up most of her time off. When she is not working, she is campaigning. There’s almost no time and patience left for George.
She breaks out every now and then: "I really love him, he's a great man, but sometimes I feel I'm going crazy. I just want my house to be mine again. But we do what we have to do in life."
Workshop goes on
Day 2. Adica marti. Mi-au cerut un soi de rezumat al povestii, inainte sa mi-o aprobe. Cica un soi de lead ceva mai lung. Zic ei ca ajuta sa intelegi ce e important cu adevarat. Plus ca daca lucrezi cu 10 fotografi care vor sa faca o poveste si editoru' are bani de 3 deplasari, vrei sa fii intre aia 3.
S-ar putea sa aiba dreptate. Voila:
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word "endurance" as the ability to withstand hardship or adversity and sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity, such of that of a marathon runner. If we agreed that stage IV colon cancer was significant hardship and that the death of a husband filled in for adversity, we'd have to say that attorney Cynthia Suter of Moberly, Mo has had her share of endurance tests. And if that was not enough, she has an ill father to take care of.
George Suter, aged 86, has undergone prostate cancer surgery a few years ago and has moved in with her ever since. He is half deaf but too stubborn to get a hearing device. He also finds it useless to give up smoking at this age. Despite his frail health, he smokes like a chimney.
The old man has taken control Cynthia’s living room, where he spends most of his time watching TV, with the volume turned all the way up. The remote control is a battle ground. Whoever grabs it has his way.
Suter is running up in the Associate Circuit Court Judge electoral race. This has taken up most of her time off. When she is not working, she is campaigning. There’s almost no time and patience left for George.
She breaks out every now and then: "I really love him, he's a great man, but sometimes I feel I'm going crazy. I just want my house to be mine again. But we do what we have to do in life."
Asa ca incepand de pe la pranz, sunt umbra ei. Numa' la buda nu ma duc cu ea. Sper sa iasa. Azi am facut 55 de cadre cam de cacat. Mai am 345 :)).
S-ar putea sa aiba dreptate. Voila:
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word "endurance" as the ability to withstand hardship or adversity and sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity, such of that of a marathon runner. If we agreed that stage IV colon cancer was significant hardship and that the death of a husband filled in for adversity, we'd have to say that attorney Cynthia Suter of Moberly, Mo has had her share of endurance tests. And if that was not enough, she has an ill father to take care of.
George Suter, aged 86, has undergone prostate cancer surgery a few years ago and has moved in with her ever since. He is half deaf but too stubborn to get a hearing device. He also finds it useless to give up smoking at this age. Despite his frail health, he smokes like a chimney.
The old man has taken control Cynthia’s living room, where he spends most of his time watching TV, with the volume turned all the way up. The remote control is a battle ground. Whoever grabs it has his way.
Suter is running up in the Associate Circuit Court Judge electoral race. This has taken up most of her time off. When she is not working, she is campaigning. There’s almost no time and patience left for George.
She breaks out every now and then: "I really love him, he's a great man, but sometimes I feel I'm going crazy. I just want my house to be mine again. But we do what we have to do in life."
Asa ca incepand de pe la pranz, sunt umbra ei. Numa' la buda nu ma duc cu ea. Sper sa iasa. Azi am facut 55 de cadre cam de cacat. Mai am 345 :)).
Monday, September 25, 2006
Dragilor, am ajuns acu' doua seri in Moberly, Missouri, oras de 13000 de locuitori, unde particip la chestia asta Avem o zi la dispozitie sa gasim o poveste, pe care, daca faculty (adica 2 meseriasi care se ocupa de tine) ti-o aproba, ai trei zile jumate sa o fotografiezi. Daca nu ti-o aproba, tre' sa iesi iar sa cauti alta, dar, evident, scade timpul de pozat. Vineri la pranz trebuie predat ultimul card. Si, apropo, n-avem voie mai mult de 400 de cadre toata saptamana. Ceea ce ma rupe. Fara delete pe aparat. Cica au metode de verificare. Chiar daca nu, e de bun simt sa nu-mi fur romaneste caciula. Sunt kkt nitel pe mine, ca pare un oras mort. Si daca era un oras vioi, eram la fel de moale. In fiecare zi dupa ce predam cardurile, ni se spune: "Mai aveti voie atatea cadre."
Faculty pentru mine aici sunt Randy Cox, sef pe foto la The Oregonian ( si Melissa Farlow de la National Geographic ( Printre altii care sunt faculty la workshop-ul asta mai este editorul foto sef de la Nat Geog din Washington DC, editorul foto Time Magazine etc.
Sunt 30 de fotografi participanti (care o sa pozeze) - sunt de la Boston Globe, Getty si de la cateva ziare pe care nu le mai tin minte. Cica vor oamenii sa se perfectioneze in story telling. Coordonatorii fiecarora (faculty) aproba povestile in functie de experienta fotografului, ca sa nu cumva sa-i fie prea usor.
In fiecare seara, faculty analizeaza povestile tuturor participantilor, de fata cu tot poporul, si spune ce e bine si ce nu cu fiecare poveste, pe masura ce acestea evolueaza. Vineri editam si scriem si textul (orice poveste tre' sa aiba si ceva povestioara, n-o fi foc). Sambata expozitie. Invitam personajele povestilor noastre la expozitie.
Gata! Ma duc sa pescuiesc subiecte.
Faculty pentru mine aici sunt Randy Cox, sef pe foto la The Oregonian ( si Melissa Farlow de la National Geographic ( Printre altii care sunt faculty la workshop-ul asta mai este editorul foto sef de la Nat Geog din Washington DC, editorul foto Time Magazine etc.
Sunt 30 de fotografi participanti (care o sa pozeze) - sunt de la Boston Globe, Getty si de la cateva ziare pe care nu le mai tin minte. Cica vor oamenii sa se perfectioneze in story telling. Coordonatorii fiecarora (faculty) aproba povestile in functie de experienta fotografului, ca sa nu cumva sa-i fie prea usor.
In fiecare seara, faculty analizeaza povestile tuturor participantilor, de fata cu tot poporul, si spune ce e bine si ce nu cu fiecare poveste, pe masura ce acestea evolueaza. Vineri editam si scriem si textul (orice poveste tre' sa aiba si ceva povestioara, n-o fi foc). Sambata expozitie. Invitam personajele povestilor noastre la expozitie.
Gata! Ma duc sa pescuiesc subiecte.
Friday, September 22, 2006
the only time when you're not required to get the names of the person you're photographing is when you risk getting shot. perriod!
Cu propozitia asta s-a terminat ieri discutia despre caption, la un curs. E destul de simplu. Evident, si bataia intra tot pe acolo. Da' ideea e destul de clara: sa nu lipseasca numele doar pentru ca ti-e lene sau ti-e jena. Cica 99% din ziarele americane nu publica o poza daca nu au numele persoanei din imagine. Ia imaginati-va putin ca, de maine, 50% din ziarele centrale romanesti n-ar mai publica poze fara nume. Am avea numai poze de pe stadion si de la parlament.
Apropos de asta, ne-au mai zis una buna: go outside your comfort zone! Adica nu alege subiecte lejere, usor de facut. Fa chestii de care ti-e teama! Am mers pe principiul asta la o tema care se chema "Breaking the Ice" si unde trebuia sa pozam 10 oameni de la mai putin de un metru. Tare! Am bagat la cutie aia cu "comfort zone" si, de cate ori simteam ca mi-e jena sa abordez o persoana, exact la ala ma duceam. N-a iesit mare rahat, da' am castigat o mica batalie cu mine.
In continuare, profu' imi reproseaza finut ca fac lucruri care-mi sunt la indemana. Nu stiu exact ce vrea. Cred ca nu e vorba decat de timpul pe care il petrec cu subiectu' (ceea ce se cam vede in imagini). E tot pe acolo cu momentul in care Mihai Vasile ne-a dat un soi de tema la Mediafax (venea ziua mediului). Noi am cam uitat, ne-a cam fost lene si cand a venit timpu' nu stiam cum sa pasam clatita fierbinte de la unu' la altu'. Asta nu bun. Asta e urmatoarea lupta.
Sar de la una la alta. Am vazut ca AFP l-a trimis pe Dilkoff la Budapesta. Multe imagini frumoase, da' n-am vazut nici un nume. Ieri la curs, duduia care ne este profa (f tare) ne-a zis "Cum va numiti?" in toate limbile din toate tarile pe care le-a vizitat. Si asta se intampla acu' 15 ani, cand mai lucra.
Nu e pacat? E trist ca cineva care poate sa faca niste lucruri cum fac Dilkoff, ori Daniel, ori altii de la agentiile mari sa nu aduca un plus de valoare imaginii printr-o simpla intrebare. Cred ca e vina firmei. Daca Reuters o sa ii impuna lu' Mihai sa vina cu datele persoanelor, probabil ca s-ar schimba lucrurile putin. Hm?
PS: la Mediafax s-ar putea impune chestia asta, nu?
Apropos de asta, ne-au mai zis una buna: go outside your comfort zone! Adica nu alege subiecte lejere, usor de facut. Fa chestii de care ti-e teama! Am mers pe principiul asta la o tema care se chema "Breaking the Ice" si unde trebuia sa pozam 10 oameni de la mai putin de un metru. Tare! Am bagat la cutie aia cu "comfort zone" si, de cate ori simteam ca mi-e jena sa abordez o persoana, exact la ala ma duceam. N-a iesit mare rahat, da' am castigat o mica batalie cu mine.
In continuare, profu' imi reproseaza finut ca fac lucruri care-mi sunt la indemana. Nu stiu exact ce vrea. Cred ca nu e vorba decat de timpul pe care il petrec cu subiectu' (ceea ce se cam vede in imagini). E tot pe acolo cu momentul in care Mihai Vasile ne-a dat un soi de tema la Mediafax (venea ziua mediului). Noi am cam uitat, ne-a cam fost lene si cand a venit timpu' nu stiam cum sa pasam clatita fierbinte de la unu' la altu'. Asta nu bun. Asta e urmatoarea lupta.
Sar de la una la alta. Am vazut ca AFP l-a trimis pe Dilkoff la Budapesta. Multe imagini frumoase, da' n-am vazut nici un nume. Ieri la curs, duduia care ne este profa (f tare) ne-a zis "Cum va numiti?" in toate limbile din toate tarile pe care le-a vizitat. Si asta se intampla acu' 15 ani, cand mai lucra.
Nu e pacat? E trist ca cineva care poate sa faca niste lucruri cum fac Dilkoff, ori Daniel, ori altii de la agentiile mari sa nu aduca un plus de valoare imaginii printr-o simpla intrebare. Cred ca e vina firmei. Daca Reuters o sa ii impuna lu' Mihai sa vina cu datele persoanelor, probabil ca s-ar schimba lucrurile putin. Hm?
PS: la Mediafax s-ar putea impune chestia asta, nu?
Monday, September 18, 2006
mai mult decat povestea clasica

Astazi a venit la noi la curs Barbara Davidson, fotograf la Dallas Morning News, POY Newspaper Photographer of the Year, Pulitzer prize winner etc. A fost mult peste intalnirea cu Nachtwey. Am fost cu ea si la bere dup-aia. Vroiam sa va povestesc despre ce-a zis, ca am luat notite pe trei coli. Da' nu pot. Nu mai pot sa scriu nimic in noaptea asta. Pentru ca, inainte sa plece, ne-a intrebat daca am vazut povestea facuta de Todd Heisler. Am vazut-o acu' 15 minute.
In ordinea asta:
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Una scurta

Despre poza asta a lui Mihai. Credeti ca era mai bine sa inchida mai mult, sa se vada doar mana, sau e bine ca se vede si fata? Voi cum ati fi facut? Intreb pentru ca am avut o discutie de acelasi gen la scoala si sunt curios ce ganditi. E drept ca e important sa ai destula informatie in imagine (asta e rolul, la urma urmelor), da' cateodata un anumit detaliu arata, cel putin, ca omu' a gandit inainte sa apese pe buton. Hm?
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
In plus despre Nachtwey

M-a provocat Dan Mihailescu sa mai zic cate ceva despre intalnirea cu Nacthwey. I-am raspuns intr-un e-mail lung, al carui continut este dedesubt. Just in case.
Chiar a avut omul niste vorbe, sfaturi, chestii. Paream asa, mai tantalau, pentru ca intr-o sala de 300 de oameni eram singuru', cred, care se apucase sa noteze pe carnetel o parte din vorbe.
Il tot intreba lumea cum se descurca sa nu lesine, dracu', la chestiile pe care le vede. Si a facut o comparatie cu un chirurg. "Daca doctorul lesina cand vede sange, nu prea mai e de mare folos. Ceea ce nu inseamna ca ii face mare placere sa vada chestiile alea zilnic. Asa si eu. Daca atunci cand ajung in situatiile alea, ma coplesesc emotiile, sunt absolut inutil. I just won't do nobody no good." M-a mirat ca omu' e un idealist 100%. Adica, m-asteptam de la cineva cu experienta lui sa fie mai pesimist (sa nu zic realist). Nici vorba! Omul e patruns pana in maduva oaselor de ideea ca imaginile lui o sa schimbe ceva. Cred ca, la nivelul lui, a avut ceva feedback ca sa il incurajeze in directia asta. Oricum, personajul e de admirat.
Si a mai zis o chestie. Spunea ca s-a hotarat sa se faca fotograf de razboi, inainte sa se apuce sa faca poze. A zis ca asta i s-a parut cea mai buna modalitate de a pune umarul la un soi de schimbare. Cica tot ce a facut de atunci incolo (4 ani la ziar etc.) a fost antrenament pentru ce urma.
Mai spunea omu' ca e foarte important ca estetica sa nu devina un scop in sine. Zicea ca de multe ori tre' sa se lupte cu culoarea, pentru ca nu cumva designul sa devieze atentia de la subiect, sa devina subiectul insusi. Foaaaaaaaaaarte interesant! Mi-am amintit de zeci de poze pe care le-am facut aiurea.
L-au intrebat unii ce face in situatii in care oamenii din imagine au nevoie de ajutor. Zicea ca, in mare, oamenii pe care ii fotografiaza sunt deja pe pragul de a fi ajutati (exista doctori acolo etc.). Daca, intr-adevar, se intampla sa nu fie nimeni in jur, iar cineva are nevoie urgenta de ajutor, cica pentru el important de sa fie intai om, apoi jurnalist. Mi-a amintit de poza aia a lui Odd Andersen cu Vadim. A povestit si el ceva similar.
Cica e f important sa te abtii sa faci fotografii care nu o sa atraga atentia asupra unei chestiuni, fie ca e vorba de ceva ce se intampla peste drum de redactie, fie ca e in miezu' razboiului. Ma gandeam la ce cumpara editoru' roman (ma rog, poate editor e fortat; in multe cazuri e mai degraba administratorul dep foto) de pe agentii si, mai ales, ce ni se spune noua ca se cumpara si ma ingrozeam. Trist.
A fost foarte tare cand l-a intrebat careva cum e cu soarta fotojurnalismului. Cica, desi e greu, tre' sa incercam sa acoperim si alte subiecte decat ce bea si ce mananca Paris Hilton. Credeam ca nici nu stie cine e Paris Hilton.
Probabil am scris destul. Ce sa mai zic? Omu' a avut o atitudine mult peste ce pot sa redea cuvintele mele.
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