Monday, September 22, 2008

Missouri Photo Workshop 60

I have the privilege to be part of the organizing crew at the 60th edition of the MPW, also called the Missouri Photo Thinkshop. There's four of us in this one. Four Romanians, left to right: Catalin Abagiu (crew member), Bogdan Baraghin (participant), myself and Calin Ilea (participant). I am one of the printers. It'll be a crazy week. I'll probably post behind-the-scenes pictures and a ton of quotes. Photo by Jakob Berr.


Amanda said...

See you on Friday!

Ikuru said...

Ce tare! I like Baraghin's serious looking. Succes!

Luiza Puiu said...

Nu numai ca esti zambitor si stralucitor, mai scrie si Good Life pe tine :)

Thomas Campean said...

Baraghin si Ilea:)))f tare:)