Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Theodor Paleologu

Theodor Paleologu gave up his position as Romania's Ambassador to Denmark and Iceland to return to Bucharest and run for Parliament, in hope he could make a change in our politics. Some of his friends, however, consider he does not fit the profile of the Romanian politician, as Mr. Paleologu is well educated and polite. Esquire magazine considers this paradox an interesting story. Election day is in about two weeks. In this photo, Mr. Paleologu introduces himself to 95-year-old Zoe Porsenna.


August Kryger said...

beautiful use of light in this.

Dedi said...

ma duc sa imi arunc blitzul. :) superba poza.

te-am cautat in oglinda, dar nu te-ai dat prins.

andrei said...

I try to be aware of mirrors and other reflecting surfaces, so most times you won't see me in my own pictures.

cata said...

i really dig this image my friend. i could hardly find flaws in it (maybe the light right above her head). besides that, everything seems to be where it should be.
an old lady laying down on her bed - probably ill- looks up at this guy with hope... ironic and nice. i think you captured a great moment dude.

Ikuru said...

I like the photo as well. It's a different from other politician profile shots. It seems intimate and has a nice quiet moment.

Adam Wisneski said...

gorgeous. This has a lot of feeling in it. Me likey.

Cosmin Andrei said...

mie imi place foarte mult echilibrarea tonurilor in cadrul asta (ai aceleasi nuante de portocaliu- rosu din parul doamnei si pe impletitura de pe speteaza scaunului ; ai acelasi rosu din vesta ei si in oglinda in coltul opus)

Unknown said...

Imi place mult !

gba said...

wow...fara cuvinte...