Back from Italy, with a bunch of contacts from Romanians who work there. Not too many pictures yet. Next time - whenever that is - I'll hopefully drive there, in order to have the mobility that I need to be able to follow people to work, home etc.
Here are a few street shots from Milano, a lovely city.

Picture story despre rumani interesant.Mai asteptam restul de poze.
2 intrebari:
- ati folosit vreun telezoom (pt ca sunt intr-un fel poze-candid)?
-la poza de jos cu domnul sarazin ce are in fundal Domul, cum e facuta? Am vazut des genul asta de poza - tip 'peisaj' unde este strecurat un om mic intr-un colt.(special foo-jurn.)
Daca se poate un reply.
Horia Matei
P.S. La restul de poze la 2-3, un EXIF mic acolo.
I hope you don't mind that I'll reply in English. It's always been that way since I started the blog, to keep my foreign friends up to date.
No, I did not use a long lens, I rarely do. Especially for stuff I shoot for myself. I mostly use a fixed 28 and a 50 (such as here).
As for the guy with the Dome behind him, I just liked that the colours of his shirt and cap seemed to match those of the background. Plus, he gave me that strange look.
No EXIF talk here. The technical side is not one of my favourite topics about photojournalism. It's just like speaking about grammar when talking about writing stories. It only comes up when you fuck up. Google can tell you all about shutter speed, aperture, lenses and all the rest.
I love the top one. Very deeply. It reminds me of something I can't quite put my finger on. Beautiful.
Love the top one. Quiet moment and evocative. I imagine he just finished a really good meal. Who knows though. That's the beauty I think, it can be interpreted so many ways, but it definitely draws a reaction. Good luck on the story. Is this on your dime?
Very consistent the top one. You could almost 'take a bite' of it. Love it.
Unfortunately, it is a self-assigned story, so all my expenses are on me (I try to find spare couches and nice people to help out here and there when I'm in Italy).
Fortunately, it is a self-assigned story, so I have no restrictions or deadlines.
i really love the last one... feels like the first time you fall in love....
Good stuff, dude.
Yeah, Milano... The first time I went there, I thought it wouldn't be as much fun as Rome, but then I ended up loving the little I saw of that city.
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