Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Political Prisoner
Mr. Dionisie Darau pauses for a few seconds, while speaking about the time he has spent in prison. "When one of us died, we kept it a secret as long as possible, so that we could all share his food ration. I weighed 29 kilograms (63 lbs.) when I left this place." I photographed him during a group visit to Jilava, a former detention site for political prisoners after the start of Communist rule in Romania.

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this is a hard photo, very expressive. excellent photojournalism picture.
excelenta fotografia!!! nice :):)
O fotografie foarte puternica...
I love it when subjects get quoted in the caption line. Nicely done.
This is a really lovely, storytelling portrait.
Va multumesc. Esta tatal meu. I-ati facut o bucurie imensa. Am gasit intamplator fotografia si i-am printat-o. Este exact asa cum l-ati surprins.
Imi pare tare bine ca s-a bucurat. Daca aveti vreodata nevoie de fotografie la rezolutie mare, sa o puteti printa la alte dimensiuni, dati-mi un semn.
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