nepotu' lu' pistruiatu'? it does look like a painting. at first i thought - only for a short fraction of a second - that you messed up the toning in ps. dumb thought, huh? i really like this image - it's beautiful and intriguing. there's something about it that makes me stare at it in awe, and there's something that annoys me. i keep wanting to look at the guy on the left, but as i look at him my eyes are drawn to the other guy; it's like a freakin' magnet. his gaze is most definitely the cause. and those window drapes...a romanian classic:) well done punghi.
e excelenta. as vrea sa public fotografia asta in primul numar TATAIA, o publicatie de cultura romaneasca care iese la jumatatea lui mai. vreau sa-ti trimit pe mail o prezentare sa-ti faci o idee despre demersul nostru. lasa-mi te rog o adresa de mail.
Superba ~ Am vazut ca mai este o poza din aceeasi serie la muzeul de arta.Mi-a sarit in ochi in timp ce eram in 226 si ma duceam la romana si m-a impresionat asa mult incat m-am intors(de cateva ori de fapt) mai tarziu ca sa ma *holbez* la ea.E pur si simplu geniala.
Nice, very "european" :-)
lovely... looks like a painting...
nepotu' lu' pistruiatu'?
it does look like a painting. at first i thought - only for a short fraction of a second - that you messed up the toning in ps. dumb thought, huh?
i really like this image - it's beautiful and intriguing. there's something about it that makes me stare at it in awe, and there's something that annoys me. i keep wanting to look at the guy on the left, but as i look at him my eyes are drawn to the other guy; it's like a freakin' magnet. his gaze is most definitely the cause. and those window drapes...a romanian classic:)
well done punghi.
Foarte picturala intr-adevar. Cumva, parca nu e atat de jurnalistica... intr-un sens pozitiv.
Timeless, strange, beautiful.
e excelenta. as vrea sa public fotografia asta in primul numar TATAIA, o publicatie de cultura romaneasca care iese la jumatatea lui mai. vreau sa-ti trimit pe mail o prezentare sa-ti faci o idee despre demersul nostru. lasa-mi te rog o adresa de mail.
se potriveste de minune cu spiritul revistei :)
Superba ~ Am vazut ca mai este o poza din aceeasi serie la muzeul de arta.Mi-a sarit in ochi in timp ce eram in 226 si ma duceam la romana si m-a impresionat asa mult incat m-am intors(de cateva ori de fapt) mai tarziu ca sa ma *holbez* la ea.E pur si simplu geniala.
p.s - nu stiam unde sa scriu comment-ul asta.
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