Monday, May 10, 2010


Decat O Revista is an independent magazine that I contribute to. For their second issue, they came up with this crazy idea of a fashion shoot that combined expensive designer clothing with shaorma, a Middle Eastern sandwich wrap, a type of fast-food that tends to be very popular in Romania, especially within the working class. I guess this was my first fashion shoot. Weird as it may seem, it was a lot of fun. And very tasty.


Aaron said...

that's hilarious. we should have done a project on fashion and shwarma back in missouri.

Anonymous said...

Andrei Pungovschi fotograf de fashion. Sper ca nu va reprofilati (avem destui Baragani si Henesi). Fotojurnalismul e mai interesant. Oricum frumos pictorial, keep going ca o faceti bine.

PS: revista e pe piata sau e online?
PPS: Domnul Andrei daca se poate, vreau si eu add pe fbook. As vrea eu sa fiu fanul nr.1, nu sunt, dar nici fanul nr. 570 nu's. Multumesc

andrei said...

Revista e la Carturesti, printre alte locatii.

cata said...

hey, aaron, the shaorma that they sell in ro is more like a chipotle burrito. it's juicier and it's hard to eat it without making a mess. i never managed to eat one without ending like the model in the last image.
weird concept, great images, andrei!

Alexfotograful said...

Se observa imbinarea fotoreportajului cu fotografia de fashion. Rezultatul e grozav. Poate ca la ultima imagine ar fi mers un softbox pe blitz. Felicitari oricum!