1. Andrei takes a test ride in a used Toyota. Since moving to Columbia from Romania in August, Andrei has been traveling by foot. Columbia is much more spread out than Andrei’s hometown of Bucovina, making it more of a challenge to get places. “I had a car back home, but I didn’t use it much.” Now it seems like a necessity.

2. Andrei begins his day with some yogurt while browsing the internet. Being an only child and far away from his family and friends, Andrei keeps in touch through email.

3. Most Sunday mornings Andrei heads out to meet some fellow journalism students for a game or two of soccer. Also know as “Church of Soccer” there is usually around ten to fifteen people that show up to play.

4. Andrei enjoys some post-game conversation with Kate and Jimmy. Those that know him best say Andrei has a very good sense of humor.

5. After checking the fridge for ingredients, Andrei makes himself a salad to refuel from a morning of soccer. He misses the taste of fresh vegetables from home, which have much more flavor than what he buys here.

6. Trying to decide how large his load of laundry is, Andrei is still getting the hang of living a single life.

7. Andrei often walks downtown to a coffee house to grab a bite to eat and work on his laptop. He likes the social environment and atmosphere they provide. “It’s not as quiet as being at home.”

8. Andrei visits with a familiar face at the pharmacy after coming from the Student Health Center. A self-proclaimed hypochondriac, Andrei likes to make sure his symptoms check out.

9. A stuffed monkey given to him from his girlfriend back in Romania keeps Andrei company in his new home.
ce singur esti! sau cel putin asa pari din pozele facute de colega ta. aici eram obisnuita sa te vad inconjurat de oameni, de prieteni. oamenii, cei de la actiuni, bineinteles. e un pic cidat sa-ti dezvalui ceva din intimitate. e si mai ciudat sa vad un storry despre tine.
toate cele bune!
o sigura fotografie "pe lat". am mai vazut genul asta de abordare. culmea, tot la o fata.
chiar singuratic nu pari, dar daca ar fi sa ma iau dupe pozele astea, fara sa stiu mare lucru despre tine, as ajunge la urmatoarele concluzii:
1. maninci prea mult;
2. nu bei deloc alcool(aici a dat-o-n bara alison);
3. desi joci fotbal des, nu prea te intilnesti cu mingea sau nu prea prinzi echipa. o fi defect profesional, dar as fi vrut sa te vaz cu mingea de soccer la picior. si un stop pe pept era ok;
4. te comporti ca un pensionar.
si io zic ca a mai omis o chestie importanta: cu totii te stim un om indragostit de fotografie. nu rezulta din povestea colegei tale ca ai avea vreo treaba cu aparatul foto.
in rest, imi plac imaginile. si ma bucur ca te-am vazut si altfel decit stind drepti in fata lui "Neciuei" sau luminat de un nokia.
Draghe Mihai, te rog frumos sa nu te legi de relatia mea extraconjugala cu maimutzika de plush. E greu cand esti departe. In armata mai ai un coleg ingaduitor, un dus amical etc.
Plushul e un material foarte prietenos :))
Mda, pe aia cu singuratatea a cam nimerit-o. In rest, e discutabil.
Domnu' bogdan m, nu il cheama jack, o cheama absolut citron. E cuminte, in frigider, m-asteapta.
Cat despre aparat, am un nikon D200. Mi l-am luat cand am ajuns aici. E un aparat foarte bun, nu pot sa ma plang decat de granulatia mare la ISO ridicat si de sharful cam lent. Ultima problema s-ar putea sa fie de la lentila (18-70mm, f 3,5-4,5).
Mi-am luat Nikon pentru ca scoala e in parteneriat cu ei si au o carca de lentile si aparate. Am fost si la sport cu D200 si se descurca. Doar ca e nitel cam lent. In schimb, declansatorul este foaaaaaaarte silentios, ceea ce mi-l face tare drag.
De cand am ajuns aici am lucrat cu multe DSLR de la Nikon, adica D2H, D2Hs ori D2X. Daca as avea bani sa-mi iau un aparat sanatos, ar fi Mark II N, fara nici o indoiala. Dar nu e cazul.
Si apoi, cum dracu' sa ma plang io, un amarat de student, de Nikon D200, cand altii, care lucreaza pentru institutii cu traditie, se descurca admirabil cu un lesinat de Canon 10D? E doar o unealta.
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