I've started my trip to Seattle. So far, my reliable, luxurious Ford Tempo got me through 1203 miles in two days. More than half of the way.

Badlands, South Dakota (correction to the original post, which said Iowa - thanks, Cindy!).

Tourists at Badlands.

Highway scenery in Iowa.
Prince Andrei, I didn't know there was such a place in Iowa. Thank you for always opening my eyes to the unknown.
Yo dude! Hope the trip went well and you and the ford arrived in Seattle in one piece. Isn't Iowa a beautiful place? I Almost miss it, but Philly is still pretty sweet. When do you start the internship?
Do you even look into the viewfinder when you take your pictures?
so, that's the red truck in the green field? Yeah, dude, it was worth stopping, going back and doing i don't know how many more miles...
Hope you've arrived safely (or just arrived...)
that was the damn' truck. the ferrari made it all the way. it's doing good so far. unlike me. I have to deal with a hostel that keeps moving me from one room to the next every morning. things will change soon. today is the first day of work.
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